andLinux Beta 2 rc1,beta就beta,RC就RC,为什么要来个beta 2 RC1的版本号?太奇怪了,beta2的RC1?一个beta而已,有必要搞RC吗~
andLinux Beta 2 rc1 是基于 coLinux 和 Ubuntu 的一个linux衍生版,帮助你方便地在 Windows 下运行原生 Ubuntu Linux 程序(非通过虚拟机,因此效率更高)。用途包括但不限于:帮助开发人员开发和调试跨平台应用程序,在 Windows 下实用 Linux 下的特定工具,无痛体验日益流行的 Ubuntu。andLinux 提供 KDE 和 XFCE 两种桌面系统以供选择。
时隔一年,andLinux 终于发布了新版本。为了提前发布日期,部分功能被延迟至后续发行版中。Beta 2 rc1 包括的更新有:
- choice between coLinux stable kernel (0.7.3, incl. update 2008/08/20) and testing kernel (0.8.0, snapshot 2009/04/15)
- Ubunty Jaunty 9.04
- KDE 4
- Xming-fonts update (
- Xming ( can be disabled to use your own X server
- Bugfix: virtual disk images have now extension .vdi and are excluded from System Restore (cause for slow startup)
- Bugfix: the Windows folder shared via CoFS or Samba can now also have the ”&” character in its filename
- a user (with sudo permissions) will be created during setup (you are not working as root any longer)
- andApp.exe to create your own Windows file associations with andLinux applications (howto soon available)
【下载地址】[andLinux Beta 2 rc1 下载](/blog/download.asp?id=327